Articles scientifiques
Articles scientifiques publiés (depuis 2016)
Radziszewski, S., Parent, S., St-Pierre, E., & Fortier, J. (2023) Never having the right to make a mistake, I think that’s the hardest part of being an official”: Exploring young sport officials’ experiences of abuse and their related coping mechanisms. Journal of Sport Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/10413200.2023.2197964
Daignault, I., Deslauriers-Varin, N., & Parent, S. (2023). Profiles of Teenage Athletes’ Exposure to Violence in Sport: An Analysis of Their Sport Practice, Athletic Behaviors and Mental Health. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Vertommen, T., Decuyper, M., Parent, S., & Paradis, H. (2022). Validation of the Dutch (Flemish) version of the Violence Towards Athletes Questionnaire (VTAQ). Loisir et Socitété/Society and Leisure.
Pankowiak, A., Woessner, M. N., Parent, S., Vertommen, T., Eime, R., Spaaij, R., Harvey, J., & Parker, A. G. (2022). Psychological, Physical, and Sexual Violence Against Children in Australian Community Sport: Frequency, Perpetrator, and Victim Characteristics. Journal of interpersonal violence.
St-Pierre, E., Deslauriers-Varin, N. & Parent, S. (2022). Exploring the modus operandi of coaches who perpetrated sex offenses in Canada. Frontiers in Psychology.
Parent, S., Daigneault, I., Radziszewski, S. & Bergeron, M. (2022) Sexual violence at university: are varsity athletes more at risk? Frontiers in Psychology.
Gillard, A., St-Pierre, E., Radziszewski, S. & Parent, S. (2022). Putting the Puzzle Back Together—A Narrative Case Study of an Athlete Who Survived Child Sexual Abuse in Sport. Frontiers in Psychology.
Parent, S., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P., & Gillard, A. (2021). Interpersonal Violence (IV) in Sport and Mental Health Outcomes in Teenagers. Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
Demers, É., Lessard, G., Parent, S., & Paradis, H. (2021). Athlete Victims of Sexual Violence: Links to Conformity to the Sport Ethic. European Journal for Sport and Society.
Vertommen, T., Decuyper, M., Parent, S. & Paradis, H. (2021). Validation of the Dutch (Flemish) version of the Violence Towards Athlete Questionnaire (VTAQ). Loisir et Société/Society and Leisure.
Fournier, C., Parent, S., & Paradis, H. (2021). The relationship between psychological violence by coaches and conformity of young athletes to the sport ethic norms. European Journal for Sport and Society.
Boudreault, V., Carbonneau, N., Gagnon-Girouard, M.P., Labossière, S., Bégin, C., & Parent, S. (2021). Extreme weight control behaviors amongst adolescent athletes: links with violence from parents and coaches and the Sport Ethic norms. International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
Parent, S., & Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P. (2020). Magnitude and Risk Factors for Interpersonal Violence Experienced by Canadian Teenagers in the Sport Context. Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
Parent, S., Fortier, K., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P., Lessard, G., Goulet, C., Demers, G., Paradis, H., & Hartill, M. (2020). Development and initial factor validation of the French Conformity to the Sport Ethic Scale (CSES). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication.
Fortier, K., Parent, S., & Lessard, G. (2020). Child maltreatment in sport: smashing the wall of silence: a narrative review of physical, sexual, psychological abuses and neglect. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54 (1), 4- 7. DOI:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100224
Fortier, K., Parent, S., & Flynn, C. (2020). “You have 60 minutes to do what you can’t do in real life. You can be violent”: young athletes’ perceptions of violence in sport. European Journal for Sport and Society, 17(2), 147-161.
Parent, S., Fortier, K., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P., Lessard, G., Goulet, C., Demers, G., Paradis, H., & Hartill, M. (2019). Development and initial factor validation of the Violence Toward Athletes Questionnaire (VTAQ) in a sample of young athletes. Loisir et Société/Society and Leisure, 42(3), 471-486.
Bergeron, M., Hébert, M., Ricci, S., Goyer, M.F., Duhamel, N., Kurtzman, L., Rousseau, C., Auclair, I., Clennett-Sirois, L., Daigneault, I., Damant, D., Demers, S., Dion, J., Lavoie, F., Paquette, G., & Parent, S. (2018). Violences sexuelles en milieu universitaire: synthèse des résultats de l’enquête ESSIMU au Québec. Les Cahiers de la femme, 32(1), 83-90.
Parent, S., & Fortier, K. (2018). Comprehensive overview of the problem of violence against athletes in sport. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 42(2), 227-246. DOI: 10.1177/0193723518759448
Parent, S., & Fortier, K. (2017). Prevalence of interpersonal violence against athletes in the sport context. Current Opinion in Psychology, 16, 165-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.05.012
Pépin-Gagné, J., & Parent, S. (2016). Coaching, Touching, and False Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Canada. Journal Sport and Social Issues, 40(2), 162-172.
Parent, S., Lavoie, F., Thibodeau, M.È., Hébert, M., Blais, M., (2016). Sexual Violence Experienced in the Sport Context by a Representative Sample of Quebec Adolescents. Journal ofInterpersonal Violence, 31(16), 2666-2686.