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The Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport (SIMS)


The goal of the Safety and Integrity in Sport Research Chair (SIMS) is to generate scientific knowledge and guide the implementation of measures to reduce violence in sport. The main objectives are as follows: 1) To produce monitoring data on violence in sport to guide interventions and decision-making; 2) In collaboration with the sport community, we will work on the development and implementation of interventions to prevent the phenomenon and evaluate their effectiveness; 3) To create a structure that will promote multidirectional exchanges within the scientific and professional communities as well as with the general public.

The Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Intimate Relationship Problems and Sexual Abuse

2015 – …

CRIPCAS is unique given its research programming that focusses on sexual abuse and intimate relationship problems, as well as the existing associations between these two issues. Given CRIPCAS’ vocation, many of its researchers also work as clinicians, whose work is therefore rooted in practice. In addition, partnerships and collaborations with many practice settings contribute to the development of knowledge about best practices, but also the development and evaluation of many prevention and intervention models.

International Research Network on Violence and Integrity in Sports

2020 -2025

IRNOVIS aims to maximize the scientific impact of research in order to better inform sport policy development and implementation, including advising on ethical governance. Specifically, this research network aims to develop an international research agenda to study violence and integrity in sport. This will be accomplished by producing Position Statements, disseminating research findings and actively engaging in the international public debates on sport integrity and the protection of sport participants and athletes. IRNOVIS activities will be coordinated by the University of Antwerp, and will include yearly network meetings, guest lectures, an international conference, a Delphi study on expert opinion and joint research project applications.

Applied interdisciplinary research on intimate, family and structural violence

2019 – …

The Recherches appliquées et interdisciplinaires sur les violences intimes, familiales et structurelles (RAIV, applied, interdisciplinary research on intimate, family, and structural violence) brings together researchers, practitioners from institutional and community settings, and students. All are pursuing the same objective, namely to conduct research, training, and knowledge transfer activities on intimate, family, and structural violence. The applied, interdisciplinary nature of our research engenders social change and practices that foster greater social justice, more egalitarian relationships, and improved public policies.

Équipe Violence Sexuelle et Santé

2021 –

The ÉVISSA team is an interdisciplinary group of researchers with specific and complementary expertise (psychology, sexology, education, psychoeducation, public health). They share common goals, such as achieving a comprehensive understanding of sexual violence and its consequences, more specifically by exploring the influence of individual, family and social factor in different life contexts (family, childhood, first relationships and adult couple) in addition to identify cutting-edge intervention and prevention target.